How to view “Misconfigurations” for an asset?

To view Misconfigurations for an asset in the I3 portal, follow the steps below:

  1. Login into I3 Portal
  2. Using the left floating menu navigate to Assets —> Manage
  3. Click on the link in the Asset Name column for the specific asset in the Assets table.
  4. On the Asset details page, click on Misconfigurations from the ribbon menu
  5. You can filter the misconfiguration findings as below:
    • Specify search text in the Search box. This is searched in the following: Title, Status and Resource
    • Specify the State (Open / Resolved / Ignored) of the finding
    • Click on the charts (Rating / Asset Types, Issue Types) for further filtering
  6. Filtered issues are displayed in the table below
  7. To view the details for a specific Misconfiguration Issue, click the link in the Title column. Note you can change the state for a specific misconfiguration issue, by toggling the state in the displayed pop-up window. For bulk update of multiple issues, refer link.