How can I view Threat details?

To view Threat reports in the I3 portal, follow the steps below:

  1. Login into I3 Portal
  2. Using the left floating menu navigate to Analytics —> Intelligence —> Threat
  3. On this page, you can filter threat data using the following:
    • Specify search text in the Search box. This is searched against the following: Title, Summary, Indicators of Compromise (IOC) values, Malware Families, Origin Countries, Targeted Countries, Targeted Industry.
    • Use the date range selector to specify a certain date range
    • Filter using the dropdown lists for Weaponized CVEs, Malware Families, Targeted Industries
    • Click the World Map to further filter based on country
  4. Click on the Title of the Threat from the Threats table

Note to read and understand details of the Threat, refer to link