How do I generate CSV report of Impacting Vulnerabilities across multiple assets in my environment?

To generate CSV Report of Impacting Vulnerabilities across assets in your environment, follow the steps below:

  1. Login into I3 Portal
  2. Using the left floating menu navigate to Analytics —> Vulnerabilities —> Components
  3. You can filter the vulnerabilities as below:
    • Specify search text in the Search box. This is searched in the following: Asset name, Product name, CVE number
    • Specify a date range in the date range selector
    • Filter based on State of the Vulnerability Impact i.e. Open / Resolved / Ignored
    • Click on specific CVE in the Top Impacts chart
    • Click on any chart (Priority, CVSS Rating, Impacted Asset Types, Tags) for further slicing and dicing of data
  4. Vulnerability details get updated in the Vulnerabilities table based on the filter criteria
  5. Click on CSV Reports button at the top of the Vulnerabilities table and indicate the type of report i.e. Patch / Components. You can either run an immediate report or schedule one. Generated reports are available for download in the Reports Center