Cyber Insurance and Proactive Security: Not an either or proposition.

Earlier last month, CNA Financial reportedly paid a $40 million ransom after a ransomware attack and the CEO of Colonial Pipeline Co. admitted that his firm paid $4.4 million to a criminal gang after a ransomware attack led the company to shut down its 5,500 mile-long pipeline for nearly a week. It’s not clear whether Colonial Pipeline and CNA […]
APJ Webinar: “Inside-Out” Third Party Security Assessments – A New Approach
Don’t stop at “VA” for your cloud, but assess complete security posture.
Organizations have increased public cloud usage, as there are obvious benefits (elasticity, pay-as-you-go subscription model, etc.). While adoption across cloud layers (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) varies across organizations, one thing for sure is that IaaS usage is most prevalent. Organizations end up shifting to the cloud in an urgency and likely with a “lift and shift” […]
Vulnerability management for your remote workforce using ThreatWorx
In an earlier blog article, we had a look at the challenges that organizations are facing with vulnerability management (VM) for their remote workforce. We briefly described what a Next Generation Vulnerability Management solution should look like for these scenarios. To summarize a Next Generation VM needs to be a cloud-based service which can provide […]
Improving efficacy of AI/ML model to predict exploitability score for vulnerabilities
In an earlier blog, I talked about how machine learning can help predict exploitability score for a vulnerability. In this blog, I will elaborate on some of the finer aspects before comparing with an alternative means available. From a machine learning angle, it is important to identify & include relevant features and use a balanced […]
Introducing Attenu8 platform to predict exploitability score for vulnerability to aid in prioritization
In InfoSec stress is a given, especially given that the InfoSec team needs to be right every time while bad actors need to be right only once. Vulnerability scanners overwhelm InfoSec teams, since these tools spew out a torrent of vulnerabilities. The whole scanning paradigm has outlived its value, but more about in a separate […]
Malware prediction
Data Science and commercially available AI/ML implementations now make it possible to predict whether a vulnerability can be weaponized into malware. This could be a critical moment in cybersecurity as it allows vulnerability management to be truly proactive and reduces the remediation workload. But why bother with this? And even if we did, how could […]
Manage the vulnerability deluge with “Actionable Insights”
The number of vulnerabilities being reported has just been growing over the years. The below chart help depict how the count of vulnerabilities has grown significantly (though not yet exponentially) over the recent years. Note it is apparent from the chart how ThreatWatch provides better overall vulnerability intel coverage, apart from standard sources like NVD. […]
Machine Learning (ML) powered vulnerability scoring for better prioritization
Most organizations face challenges with prioritizing risk from a new vulnerability or threat. At times, late breaking threats do not provide a severity assessment. The standard way to identify the key characteristics of a threat is using CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System). CVSS provides a Vector (based on key dimensions / attributes of the threat […]
Will you be the next Equifax?
United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations recently published a report titled “How Equifax neglected cybersecurity and suffered a devastating data breach“. It details out what aspects contributed to the data breach at Equifax and how Equifax’s competitors (TransUnion and Experian) were able to successfully mitigate the threat. The report is around 71 pages long and […]