Threat Intelligence

AI powered, machine curated, real time threat and vulnerability intelligence from thousands of sources

Sourced from

Vuln Databases Exploit Databases Vendor Advisories Security Research Mailing Lists Darkweb Social Media Public Threat Reports OSInt

Our advantages

Early warning

Eliminate delays, errors, omissions and biases resulting from human curation. Know about critical threats as soon as they surface

Complete coverage

Machine curated vulnerabilities, exploits, malware reports, IOCs and more, relevant for your entire attack surface including open source, OS advisories, third party components, devices, networks, applications and more.

AI based predictions

Don’t wait for security researchers to analyze threats. Our AI gives accurate predictions on CVSS scores, exploitability and weaponization. Detect critical threats early.


Use ThreatFilter to reduce your vuln triage and connect our threat feed via our API, alerts and webhooks to your favorite SOC / SIEM solution e.g. our premium feed for Anomali

Noise-free relevant threat intel


Attenu8 curates and correlates latest threat and vulnerability intelligence from thousands of sources
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Use ThreatFilter to prioritize information relevant to your attack surface
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Integrate with your favorite SOC / SIEM solution for early and effective triage
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Flexible options to integrate the platform with a wide variety of point solutions for discovery of your attack surface as well as for remediations and other tooling. Use our powerful ReST API and our native Webhooks to build your own workflows.

I want to see a demo

Book your demo today and see how ThreatWorx can secure you against third party risk