Cloud Security Simplified!

According to Gartner, pandemic-induced surge in public cloud spend is predicted to run until 2024 (reference: ComputerWeekly). This increase is fueled by organizations wanting to conserve cash, optimize IT costs and support & secure a remote workforce and ensure resiliency. Increased cloud footprint translates to an increased attack surface for most organizations. Cyber attacks on cloud […]
Cyber Insurance and Proactive Security: Not an either or proposition.

Earlier last month, CNA Financial reportedly paid a $40 million ransom after a ransomware attack and the CEO of Colonial Pipeline Co. admitted that his firm paid $4.4 million to a criminal gang after a ransomware attack led the company to shut down its 5,500 mile-long pipeline for nearly a week. It’s not clear whether Colonial Pipeline and CNA […]
Third Party Cyber Risk Management (TPCRM) is incomplete!
Overview In this blog article, let us take a look at the current approach to Third Party Cyber Risk Management (TPCRM), what it leaves on the table and what is really desirable. Most organizations today work closely with their business ecosystem which is key for business continuity. This business ecosystem includes but is not limited […]
Proactive Security of your AWS Cloud
Cloud adoption has increased exponentially over the years. 94% of enterprises use the cloud already. There used to be two main camps of cloud users as below: Cloud users who were skeptical of security of public cloud in the first place. Cloud users who believe that public cloud takes care of all security aspects automatically […]
Malware prediction
Data Science and commercially available AI/ML implementations now make it possible to predict whether a vulnerability can be weaponized into malware. This could be a critical moment in cybersecurity as it allows vulnerability management to be truly proactive and reduces the remediation workload. But why bother with this? And even if we did, how could […]
Learning From History – The Conficker Outbreak
History is a great teacher and provides us with a wealth of learning. The learning from the past is relevant not merely for anecdotal reasons but also for the wisdom that we can gain from it. Dipping into this pool of history can help to comprehend the present, improve our response and avoid mistakes that […]